New Year’s #Goals Getting

The new year is an opportunity for us to think about being better. We know you’ve got that drive! But what if typical resolutions seem too daunting or dull? Don’t worry, we’ve got your back — we've compiled some goals we love (and sometimes love to hate) and easy tips to help you get a head start on making this year your best yet:


Try a Plant-Based Diet

Incorporating more plants in your diet has become more and more popular. But what if you’re not ready to whole-hog, er, whole-plant? Give these easy steps a try! Maybe even journal about how you feel when you do (foreshadowing alert — keep reading):



  • Substitute one meat a week with a veggie counterpart, like a cauliflower or portobello steak
  • Try out ‘Meatless Mondays’ with this stuffed acorn squash recipe using mushrooms 
  • Add one more vegetable to your meal, like carrots


Commit to the Gym

This classic New Year’s resolution can be super tough to keep. It’s not like we try NOT to go to the gym (ok, maybe we do sometimes), but schedules and responsibilities get in the way and this resolution often gets broken. Below are some tips to make it easier to keep:


  • Work out on Mondays and Fridays so you start and end the week on a high point
  • Go Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, and stay for a half hour to avoid overworking yourself and overcommitting too quickly
  • Try making the world your gym without making a big commitment to a membership
  • Find a podcast or show you love but only let yourself listen or watch while you’re working out 


Journaling is a great way to get thoughts and feelings out of your head to give you some perspective. But who has the time to capture everything that happens in a day? Fear not! No need to commit to writing a memoir (unless that’s one of your New Year's goals!). Try these small steps instead:


  • Write on Fridays to wrap up your week
  • Write one sentence every night before bed or first thing in the morning
  • Record a voice memo on your phone instead of writing 


Do you have your own tips and tricks for making New Year's resolutions more realizable? Share them with us and the ZENB community on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Be sure to check back for recipes and ideas to help inspire a life well balanced.

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