Yellow Peas 101
Ancient Superfood, Modern Benefits
Everyone should be obsessed with the mighty yellow pea. As the key ingredient in ZENB Pasta and Cracker Crisps, it’s the base for nutritious yet delicious meal-time options. But what exactly are yellow peas and why should be just as fascinated by them as we are at ZENB?
From Plant, to Pod, to Pea

The Yellow Pea Plant
The Yellow Pea Plant, known scientifically as Pisum sativum, is part of the Fabacea family of plants, the third largest group of flowering plants in the world. They grow only a few feet tall, usually in cooler climates, and produce around 6 pods per plant. Plants with flowering pods, or fruit, are called legumes, which comes from the Latin word meaning “to gather.”

The Pea Pod
The pea pods that grow on a yellow pea plant have around 6-8 peas on average. Although most of us think of green when we hear the word “pea,” you might encounter a few different varieties of pea pods, including purple, and the yellow seed variety used in ZENB products. When yellow peas fully mature and the pods dry out, they are ready to be harvested and turned into delicious gluten free pasta and crackers!

The Yellow Pea
The yellow peas used in ZENB products are harvested from golden yellow pods. Yellow peas have a subtle, nutty taste, which is probably the biggest difference to green peas which tend to be bolder and sweeter. In order to preserve as much of the benefits that nature provides, we developed a process that allows us to use the entire yellow pea, including the skin.