Favorite Fall Activities

The seasons are changing: there’s a crispness to the air, leaves are beginning to take on vibrant colors, and there are brand new ways to enjoy the natural world. While our favorite fall activities might look a little different this year, we’re still planning on getting the most out of the bounty of this season (while staying safe and following health experts’ guidelines). That’s why we’ve put together some of our biggest must-dos to get you inspired to do the same!


It’s hard to imagine a fall season without apples, pumpkins, corn, and the like — and, thankfully, many of these local orchards and farms are still open with appropriate social-distancing measures in place. Picking a bushel of apples, or finding the perfect pumpkin for a Jack-o’-Lantern, or wandering through an intricate corn maze is a great way to clear the mind, enjoy some fall air, and even pick up some fresh ingredients for home cooking! 


Hiking is a great way to connect with the beauty of nature and get some exercise year-round, but it takes on extra magic among the vibrant hues of fall. Whether you’re on a picturesque nature trail, or just a long stroll through your neighborhood, there’s no better way to to take stock of the fall foliage as it changes — also known as “leaf peeping” — than to take a hike. (If you’re looking for more ways to enjoy the outdoors, check out this article!)


All the flavors of fall can be found at your local farmers’ markets: squash, mushrooms, beets, broccoli, sweet potatoes, and more. While the assortment of produce may change depending on your location, there’s still so much to discover at a farmers’ market; you might even be able to find hand-made goods like lotions and candles. Locally grown produce is better for the environment, supports family farms in your area, and tastes better, too!


In the summer, it’s tough to justify heating the whole house even further by turning the oven on. But in the fall, temperatures are just right for slow roasts, soups, casseroles, stuffed squash, pot pies, and anything that sticks to your ribs. Whether you’re tucking into an old favorite or trying something new, hearty meals feel right at home all throughout the season. (And don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for new ZENB recipes coming soon.)


And, of course, there’s something extra-special about the first rainy or too-chilly day of fall, where there’s nothing to do but stay inside. Cozy up under a blanket and watch your favorite movie (something spooky, maybe?), sip your choice of hot beverage (we love a mug of hot cider), or simply take a moment to relax and contemplate (New Years’ isn’t the only time to think about making postive change after all). And, if you happen to doze off here or there, don’t worry; we won’t tell.

What activities are on your fall must-do list? Head over to Instagram to share with the ZENB community, and check back for new articles and ideas for getting the most out of this season of change and possibility.

And, whether you’re cozied up at home or out in the world, ZENB Veggie Snacks are the perfect companion to any fall activity.

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