Pumpkin Smoothie with ZENB Pumpkin Veggie Sticks

Like it or not, fall is here. (We love it, in case you were wondering.) Yes, the arrival of autumn may mean brisk temps and the impending “doom” of winter are quickly approaching, but it also brings us some truly amazing things, like apple picking, colorful foliage, and arguably our favorite vegetable of all — pumpkins!

Though pumpkin pie and your daily #PSL (aka Pumpkin Spice Latte) have all but stolen the show when it comes to tasty pumpkin treats, we’ve got something for you pumpkin lovers looking to slow down the sweets and replace them with a refreshing vitamin and veggie boost. Oh yes, we’re talking about the delicious and easy-to-make, have-it-whenever pumpkin smoothie.

It’s fun, fast, and totally fall — something that can start your day, carry you through it, or help you cap it off. Plus, by just adding a touch of the brand-new ZENB Pumpkin Veggie Stick (available ALL year long) to your smoothie, you’ll get the perfect crunch that this recipe is otherwise missing.

Pumpkin Smoothie


1/2 canned pumpkin

1/2 diced Hokkaido Pumpkin or Red Kuri Squash (and in the spirit of using more of the whole vegetable, we suggest including the skin in your smoothie and saving your seeds for toasting)

1 ½ frozen bananas

½ cup almond milk

¼ tsp cinnamon

½ pinch nutmeg

Whipped or vegan whipped cream 

1 ZENB Pumpkin Veggie Stick, crumbled


1.   Add canned and diced pumpkins, frozen bananas, almond milk, cinnamon, and nutmeg to the blender.

2.   Blend until perfectly creamy.

3.   Pour into glasses and top with whipped cream and ZENB Pumpkin Veggie Stick crumble.

Help reduce food waste by using what’s in your fridge. You can customize your pumpkin smoothie by adding other fruits and veggies to the mix.

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