5-Minute Chilled Avocado Soup

Indulge in one of our favorite easy-to-make summertime soups. This creamy and delicious blend has a subtle flavor that pairs well with your favorite ZENB Veggie Stick. Simply blend all the ingredients in a food processor and crush the bar to top it off with a delicious crunch.

The best part is that this speedy meal is packed with nutrition. How often can you say that about a 5-minute meal? The avocado provides some healthy fats and yogurt contains good bacteria. Cucumber, cilantro, and lime provide minerals and vitamins. And, of course, you get a boost of fiber from our ZENB Veggie Sticks. So go ahead, treat yourself, your family, or your friends. You can even make it ahead of time and store it in the fridge in a glass container with a tight lid for up to 24 hours.

5-minute chilled avocado soup with ZENB bar

Chilled Avocado SouP


1/2 English cucumber, cut into chunks

1 large avocado, scooped out

1 cup plain 2% yogurt

1 cup low sodium vegetable broth

2 to 2 ½ tablespoon lime juice

1 handful of cilantro

1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste

1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

1 ZENB Veggie Stick of your choice, crumbled


1.   Combine all ingredients into your food processor and pulse a few times, then process until smooth.

2.   Top with ZENB Veggie Stick. Serve chilled.

Help reduce food waste by using what’s in your fridge. You can customize your soup by adding leftover cooked chicken, fish, or shrimp.

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