Eat Good, Do Good: How Plant Based Snacks Help Our Planet

With 94% of Americans snacking daily, you’ve most likely had those moments where you just need that late morning or mid afternoon snack to refuel, restart, and renew yourself for the rest of the day. But, with endless snack options (depending on what our bodies and minds are craving most), the choice can feel frustratingly impossible.

Often times, the result is you end up eating something you’ll regret later or nothing at all, which only drags you down later in the day.

And, while we know our snack choices are crucial to our health, diet, and day, did you know the choices we make around snack foods can also be beneficial to the environment?

Yep, it’s true. So much so that a diet of primarily meat and dairy can lead to five times the amount of climate changing emissions in our world than a diet based on primarily fruits and vegetables. You read that right — five times!

To make your snack choice a bit easier and safe — and better for both you and the planet — incorporating just one plant-based change in your day can help reduce those greenhouse gas emissions.

But if raw veggies aren’t your thing, or if you have some little ones that also need to be convinced, here are a couple of our favorite ways to make incorporating plant-based options easier for your next afternoon or midnight (or anytime, really) snack:


Plant-based snacks don’t have to be an ordeal. Just look for the simple things you don’t have to think about, like veggie-based snack sticks & bars — even though nothing compares to eating fresh fruits and veggies, like carrot sticks, celery, and apples. Too simple and boring? No problem. Just dip your snack in something you enjoy, like yogurt or nut butters. And, though this is supposed to be a healthier choice, there’s always ranch, and who doesn’t love some ranch?! It’s certainly not the healthiest or most sustainable solution to eating more veggies, but if it starts you on your plant-based path, enjoy! It’s not the big, drastic changes that force you to give up what you love that works best, it’s the simple choices we make every day that end up having the most impact.


The more you think about that snack you want vs need, the more likely you are to feel overwhelmed, which is when you end up grabbing those salty, oily chips instead of the fresh, healthy veggies. No worries, because the trick is to eat a quick plant-based snack while you consider what other options you have. Craving a cookie? Crunch on a carrot for a moment first. In the process, you fulfill yourself on something healthy and better for the planet, and suddenly you’re not craving junk food as much.


Junk food often wins because it’s just so darn convenient. It’s usually low-cost and close-by, and always tempting. So, keep healthier plant-based snacks close-by as well. Look for on-the-go plant-based snacks or store freshly prepped fruits & veggies in your fridge, both at home and at work. Oftentimes gyms even have fridges for members, so definitely ask if you can keep a few healthy snacks there for an after-workout refuel. We find that having these plant-based snacks around for convenience will help you make the best choice when you need it most.


Unlike larger meals that take planning and prep, swapping healthier snacks into your day requires far less time and commitment. Think of it like working out after a long hiatus away from the gym. A slow but steady approach is always more maintainable in the long run — no pun intended ;). Try swapping in one plant-based snack per week — only one. Then, grow from there. Eventually, it will be one per day, and then, as you find more and more plant-based snacks you love and actually crave, you’ll realize you’re not even thinking about junk food anymore.

Try Something New

It’s likely that you’ve explored plant-based snacks in the past, but the habit just didn’t stick. We’ve all been there. Fortunately, though, more and more options are popping up every day. In addition to traditional fruits & veggies, you can also add plant-based bars, sticks, and crisps to your diet to get you more plant-based foods faster, and in tasty ways. Be sure to explore your grocery store for what’s new.

However, plant-based snacking no longer requires trips to the grocery store or prep time in the kitchen. With ZENB Veggie Sticks-made with as much of the whole vegetable as possible — you can grab a plant-based snack anywhere, anytime. And, you don’t have to go to the store to get them. With a few clicks on the website, you get veggie sticks delivered right to your door.

ZENB Veggie Sticks are not a substitute for fresh fruits & veggies, but they make a great, wholesome way to snack on the go. So, of course the convenience of ZENB puts an attractive spin on eating more plant-based products. But what makes it even more special is how ZENB’s process and product are raising awareness about reducing food waste and encouraging progress for this beautiful earth we all share. Realizing that fruits and vegetables are some of the most wasted foods on the planet, ZENB saw it as their responsibility to use more of the whole veggie in their Beet, Corn, and Red Bell Pepper Veggie Sticks, and, as a result, ZENB is promoting a more wholesome, happier world.

So, whether you’re a seasoned plant-based eater or you’re simply looking to change your diet as a way to better you and the planet, consider snacking with ZENB. By doing so, you’ll discover a completely new and easy way to enjoy more plant-based foods.

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